Всероссийская олимпиада
«Хочу в магистратуру»

for Students and Graduates
with International Participation

Заключительный этап пройдет 1 марта 2025 года.
Ссылки будут отправлены в Личный кабинет.

About Olympiad

Ufa University of Science and Technology is holding an Olympiad for students and graduates with international participation «I want to get master's degree».

The purpose of the event is to stimulate students and graduates to study and scientific research, develop youth creativity and supporttalented students and graduates who want to continue their academicor a professional career.

Participation in the Olympiad is not only a test of knowledge on your favorite and not so directions, but also a real chance to get 100 points, that is, the highest assessment upon admission to the master's program.

Olympiad's participants

  • Graduates

    Any citizenship and place of residence

  • Alumni

    Any citizenship, place of residence and year of graduation

How to take part in the Olympiad

  • Preliminaries
  • Select one or more Olympiad's profiles to participate and register.

    A login and password will be sent to your email to access the participant's personal account.
  • At the specified time (February, 3 - 8, 2025) log into your personal account and complete the tasks within a given time. There's only one try.
  • The results of the qualifying stage will be published on the website. Finalists of the preliminaries will be able to take part in the final stage in person.
  • Finals
  • Find yourself on the list of finalists of the preliminaries.
  • At the specified time (February, 26 - March, 1, 2025) log into your personal account and complete the tasks within a given time. There's only one try.
  • Complete the final tasks. Examples.
  • The results of the finals and the lists of winners will be published on the website.

Olympiad's profiles

Each participant can take part in the Olympiad in several profiles

Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Earth Sciences

Biological sciences

Information technology and computing

Engineering, Technology and Technical Sciences

Social Sciences

Humanitarian Sciences



Advantages of participating in the Olympiad

  • Winner
    I place
    • Winner diploma

    • The maximum score in the subject of the Olympiad profile upon admission to UUST Master's degree

  • Awardee
    II and III places
    • Awardee diploma

    • The maximum score in the subject of the Olympiad profile upon admission to UUST Master's degree

The Ufa University of Science and Technology – is a new university, created on the basis of two large universities with a rich history – Bashkir State University and Ufa State Technical Aviation University.

The structure of the university includes 13 faculties and institutes, six branches.

Preparation is being conducted in 150 areas of bachelor's, master's and specialist's programs in more than 700 educational programs of humanities, natural sciences and technical profiles.

More details

Master's degree


Всероссийская олимпиада студентов
и выпускников с международным участием
«Хочу в магистратуру»