Greeting from the Rector

Dear friends!

Welcome to the website Уфимского университета науки и технологий is the youngest university in Bashkortostan, the legal successor of the two largest higher educational institutions of the Republic of Bashkortostan with a rich history and traditions: Bashkir State University and Ufa State Aviation Technical University.

The history of Ufa University of Science and Technology began on November 01 2022. The mission of the new university is to preserve and maintain the traditions of classical higher education and to ensure the innovative development of the republic in the field of mathematical, natural, humanitarian, engineering, technical and social sciences based on modern scientific methods and educational technologies. The main goal of Ufa University University is to train highly qualified and competitive professionals who know and love their work and are able to make competent decisions in any conditions.

Ufa University conducts research in priority areas of of science and technology, and World-class laboratories are being created there. Our main tasks include supporting young researchers, attracting leading Russian scientists and international specialists to the university, updating the instrument base and infrastructure, creating coworking centers and much more.

Today we must not stop at what we have achieved, but develop and conquer new heights in education, science and creativity. And always remember that the main person at the university is a student. Any events, plans, projects that will be launched and implemented should answer the question: what will it give to the student? I am sure that we will continue to move in this direction: to study, work, create, make discoveries, glorify the Ufa University of Science and Technology!



Vadim Petrovich

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