
41.03.05 Международные отношения и внешняя политика (на английском языке)

41.03.05«Международные отношения»
«Международные отношения и внешняя политика (на английском языке)»
Язык обучения
Уровень образования

Институт истории и государственного управления


Институт истории и государственного управления

Продолжительность обучения
4 года Очная форма обучения
Проходные баллы 2024 года
271 Очная форма обучения
Военный учебный центр

Цель программы

The Bachelor's program in International Relations prepares specialists for government and international organizations, focusing on historical, political, legal, and economic studies, along with language training

О программе

The training program for specialists in the field of international relations and foreign policy is suitable for those who are interested in modern international processes, who seek to understand the causes and stages of development of international conflicts, and trace global trends in world development.

Преимущества программы

  • the program offers language learning at the level of linguistic areas, which allows the future specialist in the international sphere to be fluent in at least two languages
  • we involve in the educational process managers and specialists of the republican bodies supervising the foreign economic activity of the Republic of Bashkortostan, we involve students in organizing and conducting international congress and exhibition
  • we send them to undergo practical training at the Representative Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation in Ufa, three UN missions in Russia: the UN Information Center, the UNHCR Representative Office,

Навыки и компетенции, которые получат выпускники

  • is able to carry out effective communication in a multicultural professional environment in the state language of the Russian Federation and foreign language(s) based on the application of the conceptual apparatus according to the profile of activity
  • organize and establish contacts in key areas of international interaction
  • apply negotiation technologies and rules of diplomatic behavior in a multicultural professional environment
  • find cause-and-effect relationships and interdependencies between socio-political and socio-economic processes and phenomena
  • draw up official documentation of various types (agreements, contracts, visit programs, etc.), including in foreign languages
  • establish and maintain professional contacts, business relations with representatives of government, political, commercial, public structures, the media, develop professional communication, including in foreign languages

Изучаемые дисциплины

Diplomatic and consular service
European law
Fight against international crime
Foreign policy activities of a modern state
Fundamentals of international security
International conflicts in the 21st century
International law
UN in the system of modern international relations
Diplomatic and consular service
European law
Fight against international crime
Foreign policy activities of a modern state
Fundamentals of international security
International conflicts in the 21st century
International law
UN in the system of modern international relations
Diplomatic and consular service
European law
Fight against international crime
Foreign policy activities of a modern state
Fundamentals of international security
International conflicts in the 21st century
International law
UN in the system of modern international relations

Трудоустройство и востребованность

Выпускники по данному направлению могут работать на позициях

  • political analysts and consultants
  • public servants
  • staff members at international organizations

Наши выпускники работают в следующих организациях

ПАО «АНК Башнефть»
ПАО «Нефтяная компания Роснефть»
ПАО «Сбербанк»
ПАО «АНК Башнефть»
ПАО «Нефтяная компания Роснефть»
ПАО «Сбербанк»
ПАО «АНК Башнефть»
ПАО «Нефтяная компания Роснефть»
ПАО «Сбербанк»

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    График работы: пн-пт с 9:00 до 18:00 ч.

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    ул. К. Маркса, д. 12, корпус 7, 1 этаж

    График работы: пн-пт с 9:00 до 18:00 ч.

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