Schoolchildren from Ufa educational institutions became guests of the science festival at USATU. So, on the second day of the Science Festival, innovative laboratories and research and educational centers of the university opened their doors for them.
In the morning, students of the 5th engineering classes of the aircraft building profile of lyceums No. 96, 107, 155, 60 and 68 of Ufa became participants in the school excursion program. The participants visited the laboratories of fiber optic communication and the Internet of things, 3D prototyping technologies, the turbine hall and nanocenter of the Nanotech Central Collective Use Center, the control complex for unmanned aerial vehicles and the Special Design Bureau KAMAZ-UGATU and Formula Student, the Boeng 737 virtual simulator and the museum of aircraft engines . The central event of the excursion program was the “Physical and Chemical Show” in the university amphitheater auditorium.
In the afternoon, our visitors were high school students (8-10th) from schools No. 45, 103 and lyceum No. 60. They also visited the laboratories and centers of USATU, but the final stage of the program for them was interactive game cases from IEM representatives. Associate professors Gubanova I.R. and Kuznetsova E.V. held interesting events related to management and economic topics.
Says the head of the career guidance department of the USATU Sergey Li:
- The richness and diversity of the excursion program was liked by both the fifth-graders and the senior students, which they talked about when they said goodbye to the organizers. And teachers and parents sent photos from the excursion and grateful feedback. We hope that such events will strengthen the motivation of schoolchildren to connect their fate with engineering professions, and after graduating from high school, enter our university.
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