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The Advanced Engineering Schools project was developed by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science on the basis of strategic initiatives approved by the Government of the Russian Federation and is aimed at training qualified engineering personnel for high-tech sectors of the economy.

The Advanced Engineering School (AES) is a platform that will train students to solve specific scientific and technological problems of the country in close cooperation with high-tech partner companies.

USATU is the only university in Bashkortostan where the project of an advanced engineering school is being implemented. In total, 30 such schools have been created in Russian universities.

- An advanced engineering school on the basis of the USATU "Motors of the Future" solves a global scientific and technical problem, which is aimed at creating highly efficient electric and hybrid power plants, units and their systems for military and civil aviation in Russia, exceeding the world level.

Thematic areas of USATU: electrical machines and their control systems, power plants and technologies for their creation (including information technology), and new materials.

- The key industrial partners of the project are UEC JSC, UEC-UMPO PJSC, KAMAZ PJSC, CIAM named after P. I. Baranov, BGK LLC.

-   The amount of funding attracted by the advanced engineering school for research and development in the interests of business (on an accrual basis) will be: 105 million rubles. in 2022, 725 million rubles. by 2024 and 9.1 billion rubles. by 2030

- Launch of new educational programs: four directions of the master's program and seven courses of further vocational education.

- The number of students who have completed training at an advanced engineering school in educational programs of higher education and additional professional programs, who have found jobs in Russian high-tech companies and enterprises will be 1354 people by 2030.

-   Number of engineers trained at the advanced engineering school: over 1633 people.

- The most worthy and talented students will undergo internships on the basis of high-tech partners.

- The number of special educational spaces created on the basis of an advanced engineering school (scientific and technological and experimental laboratories, pilot plants equipped with modern high-tech equipment, high-performance computing systems and specialized application software, digital, "smart", virtual (cyber-physical) factories, interactive complexes advanced training of engineering personnel based on modern digital technologies): four by 2024 and ten by 2030.

- The network interaction between NIS USATU and Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and Moscow State Technical University will be expanded. Bauman in order to complement competencies in the field of electric batteries and mechanical transmissions, as well as with other universities in the region and the country to ensure the technological sovereignty of the country and train highly qualified engineering personnel in the interests of industry development.

- Over 1000 students will become highly qualified engineers within the framework of networking (in addition to 1633 who will be trained at PIS USATU).


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