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By tradition, after completing a research internship in foreign universities, USATU students talk about the results of their work, the features of the educational process, joint research and, of course, share their impressions.

Students and undergraduates who completed an internship within the framework of the program "Scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation for Studying Abroad" spoke at a meeting of the administration of the USATU. One of them is Ilmir Khasanov, a representative of the FCDEM of the Technosphere Safety direction.

Ilmir spoke about the goals of his internship at the University of Salerno (Italy): it is the development of international cooperation, the acquisition of new knowledge and skills, the expansion of scientific horizons and the practice of the English language.

Our graduate student conducted joint research with Prof. Antonia Longobardi in the field of ensuring the hydroecological safety of urban areas based on the modeling of the basic flow of rivers, taking into account natural and climatic features. As a result of his work, he published five articles in peer-reviewed journals, took part in international and all-Russian conferences.

Ilmir drew attention to the peculiarities of the educational process in the Italian university:

- This is the absence of "paper" student cards and record books, laboratory work using high-tech equipment, an advanced level of English language skills of staff and students, as well as a developed modern infrastructure of the university campus.

The student's supervisor, Associate Professor Aleksey Elizariev, spoke positively about the scientific work of Ilmir Khasanov, emphasizing that an interdisciplinary approach is involved in his work (Ilmir is a bachelor's degree graduate of FAEET).

By the way, Alexei Nikolayevich, as Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, noted that this year the electronic version of the student card is being introduced at our university.

In conclusion, Ilmir shared his plans for the future: he wants to enroll in graduate school in the direction of "Geoecology" to continue his scientific research and work at the university.

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