Today, the participants of the "Aerospace School" - our guests from the LPR and the DPR - were waiting for a rich educational and cognitive program.
Surely, not every adult has heard about additive technologies, but our young friends already know about it. Today, teachers from USATU showed them equipment for work in the field of additive and foundry technologies, rapid prototyping and advanced technologies for the manufacture of aviation equipment. The guys saw how an ultra-modern optical 3D scanner works.
Then the teams made a short sightseeing tour of the university buildings. Very soon students will come here, and will be replenished in the future by the participants of the university shift of USATU.
A short stop at the booth #thisnotgarbage, the study of global environmental problems and their solutions. By the way, the stand was created on the initiative and thanks to grant support by eco-activists - participants of the USATU Green Project.
The guys and accompanying people had lunch in a cafe from Eco-dumplings, the culinary brand of our republic. Tasty, fresh, national dishes fell in love with children and adults.
In the afternoon, a visit was made to the National Museum of the Republic of Bashkortostan - a treasure trove of Bashkir culture. Here are collected unique exhibits with ancient history.
Ufa State Aviation Technical University
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Additive technologies, 3D scanner and Bashkir honey
July, 2022
Additive technologies, 3D scanner and Bashkir honey
Today, the participants of the "Aerospace School" - our guests from the LPR and the DPR - were waiting for a rich educational and cognitive program.
Surely, not every adult has heard about additive technologies, but our young friends already know about it. Today, teachers from USATU showed them equipment for work in the field of additive and foundry technologies, rapid prototyping and advanced technologies for the manufacture of aviation equipment. The guys saw how an ultra-modern optical 3D scanner works.
Then the teams made a short sightseeing tour of the university buildings. Very soon students will come here, whose ranks, we hope, will be replenished in the future by the participants of the university shift of USATU.
A short stop at the booth #thisnotgarbage, the study of global environmental problems and their solutions. By the way, the stand was created on the initiative and thanks to grant support by eco-activists - participants of the USATU Green Project.
The guys and accompanying people had lunch in a cafe from Eco-dumplings, the culinary brand of our republic. Tasty, fresh, national dishes fell in love with children and adults.
In the afternoon, a visit was made to the National Museum of the Republic of Belarus - a treasure trove of Bashkir culture. Here are collected unique exhibits with ancient history.
On the excursion, the children made a fascinating journey through the halls and got acquainted with the rich flora and fauna, unique natural monuments, as well as with interesting archaeological and paleontological finds, with the material and spiritual culture of the peoples living in the Republic of Bashkortostan, - reported on the official website of the museum. - Young visitors were also among the first to get acquainted with the exhibition "Land saturated with honey" from the funds of the National Museum of the Republic of Bashkortostan, from the funds of the Iglinsky Museum of Local Lore and from private collections of craftsmen and beekeepers, products of the Bashkir Research Center for Beekeeping and Apitherapy.
Schoolchildren learned with interest that Bashkir honey is supplied to the International Space Station.
And in the evening, already by tradition, team time comes: communication, entertainment, watching movies or going to the gym.
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