On June 2 - 4, 2022, the All-Russian Forum "Import Independence of Aircraft Manufacturing" will be held at the Ufa State Aviation Technical University.
Heads of leading corporations, industrial enterprises, research institutions, universities of the Russian aircraft industry, will attend the event.
Today, new economic conditions, the search for import substitution opportunities dictate the need for a broad integration of the personnel, scientific and production potential of the domestic aircraft industry. The Government of the Russian Federation plans to adjust the strategies for the development of the aviation industry based on its own resources with the construction of a unique anticipatory policy for the development of technologies and technical means.
These and other issues related to the import independence of the domestic aircraft industry will be discussed at the venues of a major forum at USATU. The work of round tables on the following topics is planned: “Electrical complexes for aviation purposes”, “Engines for combat and civil aviation, Repair technologies in the conditions of import substitution”, “Information technologies for aircraft construction”, “Aviation radio electronics”, as well as a meeting of the technical committee for standardization TK 070 "Machines".
On the sidelines of the forum, topical problems of the development of domestic aviation electrical complexes, new ways of cooperation between industry and universities in the training of elite engineering personnel for industrial enterprises of the country, solving the problems of ensuring import independence in the field of repair and maintenance of foreign and domestic aircraft engines with foreign technologies, development of domestic information technologies, including science-intensive software and computer systems, the formation of a concept that allows you to qualitatively and quickly make a technical leap in the field of electronics production. One of the main tasks of the Russian-scale forum is to search for new solutions through cooperation between industry and the scientific and educational complex.
Also, as part of the face-to-face meeting of the technical committee for standardization TC 070 "Machines" (moderator - director of the Federal Budgetary Institution "CSM of the Republic of Bashkortostan" Sergey Sevnitsky), the strategy for the development of the machine tool industry in Russia for the period up to 2035, the implementation of national and prospective standardization programs, etc. will be discussed. On March 17, 2021, UGATU became a member of the technical committee for standardization TC 070 "Machine tools", and the rector Sergey Novikov was appointed chairperson of this technical committee.
All forum information is available here .
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