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Zvenigorod hosted the XII All-Russian festival of author's song and poetry "Song of Bulat", dedicated to the work of Bulat Okudzhava. The widow of the poet Olga Vladimirovna became the guest of honor of the competition.

Associate Professor of the Department of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics Yulia Valiakhmetova, who successfully performed as part of the 4G ensemble, in a duet with her husband Radik and in the nomination of soloists, won the title of the laureate of the festival.

Olga Okudzhava, having risen to the stage after awarding the winners, read a few lines from Bulat Okudzhava’s book of poetry, and then expressed her desire to encourage further the Valiakhmetov family duet: “This little book gained in value significantly after I read these stanzas from it. But I also signed it, and I want to give it to this wonderful couple.”

With these words, a memorable gift from the house-museum of Bulat Okudzhava was presented to Yulia and Radik.

We heartily congratulate our teacher on another great performance!

It should be noted that the All-Russian Festival "Song of Bulat" is organized and held solely for educational purposes. The main objectives of the festival are the preservation, enhancement of the creative heritage of Bulat Okudzhava and the development of modern author's bard songs.

The task of the festival is to find and support talented authors and performers in the genre of author's song and poetry. Not the last role is given to acquaintance with recognized masters of the author's song, master classes and consultations in guitar, vocal and poetic skills.


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