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After a two-year break, USATU will host an aviation-sports-technical festival "USATU Aviation Day 2022", which will be held as part of the traditional festival ".Point of Separation".

The event starts on May 28 at 10.00 on the territory of the out-of-town site of the Laboratory and Testing Complex "Airport".

Guests of the holiday will be able to take pictures with aviation equipment and hear interesting stories about it.

Aviation Day will also include:

- open championship of Ufa in aircraft models with impulse start (Strizh, Delta, Stayer) among schoolchildren;

- competitions in educational robotics and technical creativity among schoolchildren;

- open championship of USATU in velo-trophy;

- demonstration performances of aircraft modeling equipment: airplanes, helicopters, quad-copters;

- exhibition of special equipment of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Russian Guard, the Military Police, Gazprom, etc.;

- tour of the parking lot of aviation equipment of the USATU: Su-27, Su-34, MiG-29, MiG-23, MiG-21, Tu-134 aircraft, Mi-8MT helicopter;

- performance of creative teams;

- a friendly mini-football match on the grass.

The winners of the competitions are waiting for diplomas and prizes.

Free admission. Travel by public transport (110, 101) to the stop "Airport".

The organizer of the event is USATU with the participation of the Federation of Aircraft Modeling Sports of the Republic of Bashkortostan (RoboLaboratory Club).

Photos from past events: https://vk.com/album-29278665_216168911

Details, competition regulations and driving directions: https://vk.com/aviadayufa




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