In the youth laboratory of the Eurasian REC "Metals and Alloys under Extreme Impacts" of the Center for Collective Use "Nanotech" (Head - Professor Elena Korznikova), opened at USATU, in cooperation with the Institute of Advanced Materials Physics, research is being carried out to create new bio soluble metallic materials for medicine.
Young scientists Elvira Fakhretdinova and Elvira Khafizova are developing new zinc materials that can be used to make implants, namely stents and orthopedic plates. By producing implants from biodegradable materials, there is no need for repeated surgery and anesthesia, which are indicated when using conventional metal wires and screws. Over time, the implants will dissolve and be absorbed by the body without harm to health.
Elvira Khafizova chooses the optimal composition of materials, investigates their functional properties and microstructure, and her namesake and colleague is engaged in computer simulation of severe plastic deformation processes to determine rational conditions for processing new materials.
We hope that a scientific breakthrough in the field of medical implants will happen in the near future.
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