A significant event for the scientific community of the university took place at the meeting of the administration of the USATU - four young scientists received a certificate in the amount of 200,000 rubles for the successful defense of their doctoral dissertation, and their scientific consultants - in the amount of 100,000 rubles.
The teachers of the university received personal certificates from the rector of the USATU Sergey Novikov, who emphasized that attracting young and talented scientists to address issues of developing the Russian economy is one of the main tasks set by the country's leadership.
- Associate Professor of the Department of Geoinformation Systems Vorobyov Andrey Vladimirovich and scientific consultant - Head of the Department of Geoinformation Systems Khristodulo Olga Igorevna;
- Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Engineering and Information Protection Zakiev Elena Shavkatovna and scientific consultant - Professor of the Department of Computer Engineering and Information Protection Ilyasov Baryy Galeevich;
- Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Engineering and Information Protection Vulfin Aleksey Mikhailovich and scientific consultant - Professor of the Department of Computer Engineering and Information Protection Vasiliev Vladimir Ivanovich;
- Associate Professor of the Department of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics Bogdanova Diana Radikovna and scientific consultant - Professor of the Department of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics Yusupova Nafisa Islamovna.
Such unprecedented measures of financial support for young scientists were taken in June this year at a meeting of the Academic Council of the University on the initiative of the rector of the USATU Sergey Novikov, and three months later four doctors of science and their consultants received cash payments. Let us add that in USATU 100 thousand rubles will be paid to a university employee under 39 years old when defending on time and a Ph.D.
On behalf of the award, the university administration thanked Diana Bogdanova for their support. Diana Radikovna is a graduate of USATU in 2005, she began to engage in scientific activities under the guidance of Professor N.I. Yusupova back in her student years. In 2008 she defended her Ph.D. thesis, taught, participated in international academic mobility programs. She performed her doctoral dissertation jointly with foreign professors from Germany and Italy. Diana Radikovna is also a wonderful mother of two kids and a wife.
- The family always supports me in all endeavors, for which I am immensely grateful to them, - says Diana. – And the help from the university is a great incentive to move on!
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