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According to a request of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, the department for organizing the educational process announces the collection of information from applicants for participation in the competition for the scholarship named after E.T. Gaidar for the 2022/2023 academic year.

Students of second, third, fourth (specialist), as well as 1st year postgraduates studying full-time in economic areas and specialties are allowed to participate in the competition:

The collection of information is carried out by the dean's office of IEM until April 1, 2022.

Each student provides the following documents:

  1. certified educational card (lack of "satisfactory" grades for the entire period of study, for undergraduates - a certified copy of a bachelor's degree (specialist));
  2. List of publications only in the field of economics in form 16 (the student has a publication in a scientific (educational, scientific, educational) international, all Russian, departmental, regional publication, in a publication of an educational institution, scientific or other organization (publications from 2017 are taken into account) (Appendix 1: form 16, form 16 for undergraduates, sample filling).
  3. certified copies of patents, certificates; diplomas, certificates confirming participation in olympiads, conferences, seminars and other events (achievements since 2017 are taken into account)
  4. Consent to the processing of personal data (Appendix 2).

For prompt processing of applications, the portfolio (except for consent to the processing of personal data) should be sent to the mail of an employee of the department for organizing the educational process ahmetova.gm@ugatu.su.

If you have any questions about providing information, please contact the department for organizing the educational process (office 1-247, tel. 89083504938, e-mail address ahmetova.gm@ugatu.su or ooup.ugatu@mail.ru).


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