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We congratulated our FAEET students on their victory in the All-Russian competition of student works on the Arctic topics. The team that developed an unmanned aerial vehicle for environmental monitoring in the Arctic includes - third-year student Anastasia Sidorenko.

It is hard to imagine that this fragile girl also manages production at the Applied Heat Engineering student design bureau, participates and wins in various scientific and technical conferences and competitions, receives a scholarship from the USATU Academic Council and is actively involved in social work.

Anastasia was born and raised in the village with the beautiful name Maryina Kolodtsy in the Stavropol Territory on the territory of the famous Caucasian Mineral Waters. At school, I was fond of mathematics, well versed in physics, loved literature, but decided to enter the aviation university. Moreover, among all aviation universities in Russia, I chose USATU.

- Perhaps this is a premonition that here I can find a good profession and friends, - the girl thinks, - maybe this is fate. I have never regretted my choice.

- Anastasia, tell us how your “scientific” path developed at our university?

- In the very first couple of weeks of my studies, a classmate, and later my best friend, agreed with Victoria Zamuragina, the head of production at SKB Applied Heat Engineering, about an excursion. I was called, rather, for the company. This is how I first came to SDB. Moreover, already in her second year, she replaced Victoria after her graduation from USATU and began organizing the work of students of the SDB.

The area of ​​my research interests is quite extensive: from the organization of the work of technical creative teams and production to stands for combustion research and unmanned aerial vehicles.

- Here is more from here. Namely, the UAV created by you was highly appreciated by the experts of the Arctic competition.

 - Our drone has a unique take-off and landing system that allows you to combine the advantages of a helicopter, a quad copter and an airplane in one device: vertical take-off and long flight. It takes less than a month for the team to create one drone in the presence of all the necessary components in a leisurely manner. So far, no proposals have been received from the relevant departments for this drone. However, I think, everything is ahead: we are counting on a grant from the UMNIK program

- Tell us how the friendly student team of SDB Applied Heat Engineering, which is already ten years old?

- Today, the team has its own "generator" of ideas - student Kirill Ivanov. Every day, dozens of ideas are born in his head: from crazy to easily implemented. We are inspired by projects and help to implement them by the scientific supervisor, acting. Nikolai Sergeevich Senyushkin, Head of the Department of A&T. For a little over a year, we have performed worthily in a scientific and technical competition on topical issues of energy, at the All-Russian Championship "Air Engineering School" and at the conferences "Week of Science", "Mavlyut Readings", "Tupolev Readings", "Society. The science. Innovations" and others.

Our goal is to do something more than a simple design office; we want to realize large-scale production of drones and stands. In addition, we are waiting in our ranks for students of all specialties who are ready to devote their time and energy to invention, who are able to work in a team and be the soul of the company. All practical skills can be mastered within the walls of the design office, all you need is a desire, and we will always come to the rescue. We are not just SDB colleagues but we are almost a family!

- Is it difficult for a girl to manage even in a student, but a design bureau and, for sure, a male team?

- In fact, there are not much more boys in the SDB than girls. Most of them study in my group; they have to “obey” me, since I am the headman. In terms of technical knowledge, they are more experienced than I am and mostly give me practical advice. I just act as a leader, create an environment for favorable work, and make sure that everyone completes the task on time.

So many duties and responsibilities! What do you do in your free time, what do you plan, what are your dreams?

- Like any modern person, I watch TV shows and play computer games. In addition, I like to read, cook, mostly baking, I also draw and sing. In my free time, I study Arduino.

I plan to successfully complete my bachelor's degree and enroll in a master's program at my home faculty of AEET. After all, my life motto is, "Never stop, go forward, even if it's scary and hard."

- On the wonderful holiday - International Women's Day on March 8 - your wishes to the girls of USATU.

- Love yourself, despite the opinions of others, because all women are beautiful in their own way. Appreciate and take care of health, because now it is simply necessary.

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