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Every year the university tries to open new horizons for its students, fill the programs of institutes and faculties with new content.

We tell you what awaits applicants who have chosen the difficult, but definitely interesting direction "Automated systems in "smart" production" (direction 15.03.04 Automation of technological processes and production) at the Institute of Aviation Technologies and Materials.

You must have heard about "smart" technology? When you clap your hands and the light turns on, and with the help of the phone button in the apartment, the washing machine starts or the vacuum cleaner starts its work. Today, smart houses, water supply facilities, agricultural facilities, oil and gas pumping stations, household appliances and much more are being automated.

So you can work at any enterprise, regardless of its field of activity. Specialists are in demand in large companies of the country from petrochemical industries to aircraft manufacturing.

The profile is aimed at obtaining modern applied knowledge in the field of automation and robotization of processes in industrial Internet of Things systems based on programmable logic controllers (PLCs), microprocessors, embedded distributed systems and real-time systems, robotic devices.

The study is organized in the format of project activities. Students can develop modern control devices in the form of models on a computer, and then, based on digital microprocessor technology, see the result of their work in reality.

After the second year, there is an opportunity to choose your own in-depth educational track: programming smart manufacturing systems or creating industrial robots for process automation.

Training takes place in equipped laboratories and classrooms. The university is equipped with modern 3D printers, simulators, a robot laboratory, computer equipment and design programs.

Our students regularly win grants for their developments and start-up projects.

The main goal of future work in this area is the creation of comfortable, safe working conditions in production, which help companies produce more quality goods, save money and make work easier for employees.

You will be able to increase the level of safety in cities, reduce the load on transport infrastructure, improve healthcare, ensure energy savings and ensure labor safety in oil enterprises.


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