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Before each intake of applicants, we ask ourselves questions: what's new in the world of technology, what kind of specialist will an employer want to see in a few years, how should we change educational programs so that our graduates have the most up-to-date knowledge?

This year, a new profile has been opened at the Faculty of Avionics, Energy and Infocommunications: "Designer of unmanned vehicles" (direction 13.03.02 Electric Power and Electrical Engineering). A specialist who designs and creates electric vehicles or unmanned aerial vehicles will undoubtedly be in demand and will find application for his skills both in Russia and abroad.

Our university uses a modern approach to learning, which allows second-year students to choose the most appropriate in-depth educational track: electric vehicles or unmanned aerial vehicles.

USATU has accumulated extensive experience in the development of unmanned vehicles. Training in this area is conducted by the team of the leading scientific school of the Russian Federation in electromechanics and electrical machines.

Interesting fact: It is believed that video game enthusiasts become successful designers of drones, since designing and piloting a drone is similar to familiar game simulators. Especially the profession will appeal to those who have loved to collect LEGO since childhood, and now are fond of designing and programming.

It should be noted that the direction is included in the TOP-50 of the most demanded new and promising professions.

The global market for drones is already estimated at $24.9 billion. According to forecasts, in Russia by 2025 it will reach $400 billion, and 200,000 drones will fly over our country.

In Bashkiria, it is planned to implement a full cycle: from the creation of such devices to their use and data analysis, which guarantees a large number of jobs, a great demand for specialists and highly paid salaries.

The chosen profession will help not only to become a successful and sought-after specialist, but also to contribute to the environmental agenda. The whole world is concerned about the global catastrophe that threatens humanity due to the large emission of carbon dioxide. The government annually releases new bills, and enterprises adapt their production and switch to electric motors. According to a conservative forecast, 27 million electrified vehicles will roll off production lines by 2025, representing about a quarter of global new car production.

Electric motors are used everywhere in the field of construction, transport, aviation, shipbuilding, oil production, and USATU is one of the few places in Russia where, as part of the training, we will work on this most important topic for the world.


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