Meeting between the representatives of USATU and the Kazakhstan academy of civil aviation
Official Video conference held on interaction between the Ufa and Almaty universities.
With the new development of relations between Bashkortostan and Kazakhstan, cooperation in the field of science and higher education has a fundamental focus. Today, 739 Kazakh students study at the universities of our Republic within the framework of exchange and internship programs.
The meeting held base on a previously signed framework agreement. In particular, the Civil Aviation Academy became interested in USATU virtual and scientific laboratories, training of foreign students, training of scientific personnel, academic mobility programs for both students and teachers, as well as the implementation of a double degree program in the "2 + 2" format.
The parties agreed to develop and conclude a network agreement and establish interaction in the field of scientific cooperation.
Members who participated at this meeting from USATU were Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Alexey Elizariev, Head of the Educational Department Yulia Rakhmanova, Head of the Department for the Implementation of Individual Educational Trajectories Dmitry Mufazzalov, Head of the Department for Designing Educational Programs Gulnaz Garipova, Acting Head of the Department of Aircraft Engines Alexey Zyryanov, Acting Head of the International Cooperation Department Guzel Ibragimova, and Senior Lecturer of the Department of Aircraft Engines Abdusattor Rakhimov.
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