The V All-Russian competition of student scientific papers on Arctic topics among the participating organizations of the National Arctic Scientific and Educational Consortium, which our university has been a member of since 2016, has ended. The goal of the NANOK Association is to consolidate resources in the field of personnel and scientific support for sustainable socio-economic development and the development of the northern and Arctic territories of Russia.
If someone says the words "Arctic" to you, what will immediately come to your mind? Polar bears or seals? Our students know that there is a competition for student research papers on Arctic topics. Moreover, not only they know, but take an active part in it!
Students from SCB "Applied Heat Engineering" Anastasia Sidorenko, Kirill Ivanov, and Vadim Dudin, under the guidance of Nikolai Senyushkin, (acting. Head of the AHE&TE department) won 1st place in the natural science direction of the competition "Ecological safety, climate and biodiversity of the Arctic":
The students have developed an unmanned aerial vehicle capable of solving the problems of environmental monitoring in the Arctic, namely, a UAV with vertical takeoff and landing to monitor the underlying surface
Congratulations! In the near future, read interviews with the winners of the Arctic competition on the university website.
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