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In the publishing house "Nota Bene" under the stamp of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, the monograph "Management of the innovative development of the university. Models and Drivers of the Innovation Ecosystem” by Sergey Vladimirovich Novikov, Rector of our University, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Financial, Accounting and Tax Technologies of the Ufa State Aviation Technical University, Honored Economist of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

The scientific publication is devoted to the study of the problems of managing the innovative development of a modern university. The new development model proposed by Sergey Novikov is being implemented as part of the transformation of USATU by 2025 into an innovative university focused on creating products that are competitive on the world market in the fields of new materials for mechanical engineering and medicine, hybrid and electric propulsion technologies, and intelligent photonics through the development of advanced scientific schools , technology transfer and partnerships with scientific, educational and industrial organizations. The author for the first time introduced into scientific circulation the concept of an additive model of innovative progress.

Director of the Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Albert Bakhtizin and Rector of the Ural State Economic University, Doctor of Economics, Professor Yakov Silin, reviewed the monograph.

The book will be useful to those who are interested in the problems of the evolution of socio-economic systems, the formation of effective models of innovative development of universities 3.0 - 4.0 in the contour of the non-linear dynamics of the world economy.

You can get the book novelty in the USATU library (2nd floor).


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