The USATU delegation headed by Rector Sergey Novikov visited the Gazprom office in St. Petersburg. During the working visit, a meeting was held with top managers of the company.
At the center of the agenda is the implementation of the federal project "Advanced Engineering Schools" at the university and one of its primary tasks is the creation of a Coordinating Council.
Let us emphasize that USATU is the only university in Bashkortostan where the project of an advanced engineering school is being implemented. In total, 30 such schools have been created in Russian universities. The Advanced Engineering School (AES) is a platform that will train students to solve specific scientific and technological problems of the country in close cooperation with high-tech partner companies. PSH UGATU "Motors of the Future" will solve a global scientific and technical problem, which is aimed at creating highly efficient electric and hybrid power plants, units and their systems for military and civil aviation in Russia.
- Today, the integration of industry into the educational process is of great importance. In order to implement the development program, a Coordinating Council is being created, whose task is to coordinate the activities of an advanced engineering school and industrial partners, participate in strategic planning and expert activities, - Rector Sergey Novikov emphasized at the meeting.
It was also noted that the expert functions of the Coordinating Council will extend to the current assessment of business processes, to strategic forecasting of the life cycle of programs and projects implemented in the interests of high-tech companies and strategic partners, to qualification requirements for technological trends and to the formation of requirements for the competencies of students, for retraining and advanced training of employees of an advanced engineering school.
The rector of USATU made a proposal to include representatives of PJSC Gazprom into the Coordinating Council of the advanced engineering school "Motors of the Future".
The offer has been accepted!
Also during the meeting, the issues of creating a SDB PJSC Gazprom at the university were also discussed and new tasks were identified for the development and implementation of repair technologies for USATU scientific schools in the Gazprom system.
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