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A group of participants of the Tourclub USATU "Ikar" (Sports tourism), consisting of 8 people, successfully completed a mountain hike of the 2nd category of complexity and climbed Mount Kazbek.

Travelers say:

- The start of the campaign took place in the village of Tsey, and the end in Tminikau. The hike took place from 03.07 to 14.07. During this time, 5 passes and more than 135 km were overcome through the beautiful Caucasian mountains. After the hike, 3 members of the group climbed Mount Kazbek (height 5033 m). And after that, everyone visited radon baths, where the participants rested and regained their strength.

The weather during the whole trip was sunny and warm. As the route progressed, the group passed various obstacles: glaciers, snowfields, piping, and overcoming rocky terrain. The group is delighted with the campaign, and wishes to return to these parts again.

“I would like to say a big thank you to Andrey Valeryevich Shiryaev, a group leader, a graduate of the USATU of the AEET faculty, for clear guidance and safe passage of the route, as well as Denis Yunusbaev, head of the USATU “Ikar” tourist club, for his help in organizing the trip”, - participant


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