Сведения об ОО

Students and graduates of USATU! We invite you to take the Voluntary Qualifying Examination (VQE). The VQE is supported by the Moscow Government, and all participants will receive educational materials in their specialty and useful information on developing personal effectiveness.

The Voluntary Qualification Examination is a project where you can test your knowledge and see if your level of preparation meets the requirements of employers. The best ones will be able to take an internship in the largest companies in Moscow:

– 70 professions to choose from;

- Work experience is not required.

The project consists of two parts:

Online stage - testing, assessment of competencies, a special certificate of participation and an invitation to the full-time stage of the exam based on the test results.

Face-to-face stage - business games with the solution of real cases from the practice of large companies. And also meetings with representatives of partner companies who will share their knowledge and invite the best to their team.


Станьте соавтором УУНиТ! Присылайте свои новости в наш чат-бот в Telegram. Не забудьте прикрепить фото- или видео- материалы.

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