Сведения об ОО

On the Defender of the Fatherland Day, according to tradition, the Rector of the University Sergey Novikov met with the officers - teachers and employees of the Military Training Center and presented awards, commemorative medals and certificates of honor.

Congratulating on the holiday, he noted that today the Military Training Center occupies a significant place in the structure of the university, being the educational base for the future defenders of Russia. Knowledge and skills, a high level of engineering competence and adherence to military ethics serve as a reliable guide in life,

Currently, the Military Training Center has more than a thousand cadets; the teaching staff includes 27 active officers and 13 reserve officers. For all the years of military training at the university, more than 19 thousand military specialists have been trained. Graduates serve in the Aerospace Forces throughout Russia: from Kaliningrad to Iturup Island on Sakhalin.

“Last year practically passed under the banner of the USATU Military Training Center,” Sergey Novikov emphasized. - Two large-scale all-Russian events were successfully organized in the university: Instructor and methodological gatherings of representatives of military training centers at federal state educational organizations of higher education and gatherings of military commandants of the Central Military District. It was a great honor and responsibility for the university to receive such distinguished guests, which we did an excellent job with.”

The Rector of the University recalled that this academic year, the Laboratory and Testing Complex "Airport" of the University was replenished with new military equipment: a Mi-24 fire support helicopter and a Su-34 aircraft.

“The integrity and greatness of our state entirely depend on the combat effectiveness and professionalism of our modern army, high-tech and combat-ready Armed Forces. The noted priority can only be achieved through the development and improvement of the system and content of military professional education in the country.

Dear colleagues! We have great respect for those who today worthily continue the glorious traditions of serving the Motherland, who put such concepts as patriotism, loyalty to the oath, military duty and military brotherhood above all else. I wish you easy service, health and success!” Sergey Novikov said.

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