The traditional September meeting of the university leadership with the intellectual elite of the first-year students took place - prize-winners and winners of specialized Olympiads, schoolchildren who scored high on the Unified State Examination, participants in the Wings of Rostec program, excellent students of Lyceum No. 153. Over 30 children, among them there is a graduate from Kazakhstan, gathered today in the hall named after R.R. Mavlyutov to talk “on an equal footing” about today, talk about dreams and learn about prospects.
The meeting was attended by vice-rectors, deans of faculties and directors of institutes. The moderators were the chairman of the trade union organization of students Robert Valiev. It is the activists of the trade union committee who help to make the public life of the university bright and unforgettable.
The talented youth were greeted by the rector of the USATU Sergey Novikov:
- You did the right thing by becoming students of the Ufa State Aviation Technical University. You have already gone through a thorny educational path, but even now you need to make efforts, show diligence and character in order to achieve success.
You have a great start and great potential, but don't waste your time, find something you like at the university. Indeed, there are many opportunities for this at USATU. Learn, dream, create!
In turn, the freshmen told why they chose the aviation university and shared their plans:
Andrey Valov (IATM):
- I am from the city of Sim, Chelyabinsk region. More than 40 years ago, my grandfather graduated from aviation. My father also studied at an engineering university. Today both work at the aggregate plant. I also want to follow in their footsteps, because I like to solve technical problems. I also go in for sports and want to prove myself in the public life of the university.
Artem Parfenov (FIR):
- UGATU, I am sure, is not inferior to the best Russian universities in terms of the quality of education. Ufa is also my hometown. I want to work in my small homeland and create a high-quality information product. As a participant in all-Russian basketball competitions, now, I hope, I will play in the aviation university team.
Alina Rakhmatullina (FAEET):
- I have been interested in the sky and flying since childhood. I see training under the Wings of Rostec program as very promising and progressive.
Then, for an hour and a half, the administration of the university answered the questions of inquisitive youth. What interests modern freshmen? Educational process, research work, participation in conferences and competitions, obtaining grants, scholarships, training at the Military Training Center.
Even the younger generation asked to share the "lessons of life" and practical advice of the rector Sergei Vladimirovich, a 1999 graduate of the USATU.
- Always be disciplined and collected. Attend classes, turn in all subjects on time, including physical education. I wish you all good health and a peaceful sky over your head!
And, of course, the first important event for newly minted freshmen was not without gifts: the guys were given souvenirs with the logo of the university. The meeting ended with a group photo.
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