We invite students and post-graduates of USATU who carry out promising research and development in the field of manned space exploration, as well as develop the achievements of the domestic space industry, to participate in the competition for an annual scholarship named after Y.A. Gagarin and a one-time remuneration of the State Corporation for Space Activities "Roscosmos" named after Y.A. Gagarin.
The deadline for submitting documents for participation in the competition based on the results of the 2021-2022 academic year is until November 1.
To apply, please contact the dean's office of your faculty/institute.
Detailed conditions for participation in the competition are on the official website of the Yu.A. Gagarin".
It should be noted that the scholarship was established in 2016 in the year of the 55th anniversary of the flight of the first man into space by the Cosmonaut Training Center with the support of the family of Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, Roscosmos and the Ministry of Education and Science.
The scholarship is awarded to students who are passionate about manned space exploration, ready to invent and improve. It is for students of all universities, without references to "technical". Indeed, today work on manned flight programs is psychology, medicine, physics, mathematics, electronics, and even politics.
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