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On February 11, 2022, singed the Agreement on Cooperation between USATU and MSTU named after N.E. Bauman. Within the framework of this Agreement, the training of engineers in the specialty "Electric propulsion of vehicles" will be opened at the Department of Electro mechanics of the Ufa State Aviation Technical University from the 2022 academic year.

The demand for graduates in this specialty is already quite high. Why?

Ground and flying electric vehicles are no longer dreams of the future and are now entering our present. By 2040, a global revolution in the transport industry is expected in the world: the rejection of fuel engines. In the next decade and in Russia there will be an urgent need for engineers designing and maintaining ground and air electric vehicles. In addition, USATU can train such specialists. Our graduates will be at the forefront of the development of a new industrial direction!

The speed of development of the electric vehicle market and the absence of such specialized educational programs in universities makes graduates of the specialty "Electric Vehicle Propulsion" directly involved in creating a new future for our country. Is it worth mentioning that in this scenario, the specialist receives a competitive advantage in the labor market and a higher salary?

The teaching staff of the Ufa State Aviation Technical University and the Moscow State Technical University developed the educational program jointly. The training will last 5 years on the basis of the specialty program "Special Electromechanical Systems". Part of the course will be taught to students by Bauman teachers, in particular, these are disciplines on the theory of motion, design, diagnostics and maintenance of electric vehicles. Students of the new direction will study both aspects of designing promising electric vehicles and issues of their operation in the Russian Federation, including both economic and environmental components. Hearing part of the course based on the disciplines of MSTU will be additionally indicated in the diplomas of future graduates.

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