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Over the past 25-30 years, sports programming has received active development in the world. This type of programming implies knowledge and use of effective approaches to solving complex problems, knowledge of algorithms and programming technologies. The student movement of sports programmers has embraced the strongest universities around the world. Competitions and camps in sports programming have become popular among schoolchildren and students. Leading IT employers monitor the lists of participants in the most prestigious championships in order to select personnel from the competing teams.

Here is the great news: sports programming is officially recognized as a sport!

The coach of our sports teams in programming, associate professor of the Department of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics Yulia Valiakhmetova comments:

“The entire IT community was looking forward to this joyful event, since soon coaches and participants in sports programming championships will be able to receive the title of master of sports and enjoy all the relevant privileges.

At present, the All-Russian Federation of Sports Programming is being formed in 43 constituent entities of the country, and a regional branch for the Republic of Bashkortostan is planned to be founded at USATU. Congratulations to all those involved, I wish success and prosperity to the coaches and participants in sports programming competitions!”

By the way, today the final competitions of Northern Eurasia are coming to an end in St. Petersburg, where a team of our students takes part. Good luck, guys!

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