Сведения об ОО

Today, the acceptance of documents for the award of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of science and innovation for young scientists begins.

The award has been awarded since 2008 to young scientists and specialists in Russia for their significant contribution to the development of domestic science, the development of new equipment and technologies that ensure the innovative development of the economy and the social sphere, as well as strengthening the country's defense capability.

Only 67 young scientists of Russia became the owners of this prestigious award. The amount of each award is 5,000,000 ₽.

And to cope with the pitfalls and understand all the nuances of applying will help:

- forms of self-examination;

- a special webinar for applicants for the award.

Detailed information about the award on the website of the Coordinating Council.

Application deadline: April 15 - October 15, 2022.




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