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On April 4, 2022, for the first time since 2020, the “zero” incidence of COVID-19 was registered at the university, the USATU Student and Employee Health Promotion Service reported.

Such a result is the well-coordinated work of all services and departments of the university to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection, constant monitoring and monitoring of the situation by the university administration headed by Rector Sergey Novikov. The organization of a COVID-19 vaccination point in USATU and the conscious behavior of our teachers and staff and students: maintaining social distance and wearing masks throughout the entire period of the pandemic. In addition, the prompt implementation of all necessary measures: timely disinfection of classrooms and premises, the purchase of recirculators and ozonizers, sanitizers, thermal imagers, as well as large-scale sanitary and educational work, etc.

The coronavirus pandemic continues: in some countries, more and more people are becoming infected, mortality is growing, a new dangerous strain has appeared - “stealth omicron”. However, Russia, according to the latest data, has already passed the peak of the incidence. The authorities of our country are gradually lifting restrictive measures, and scientists continue to develop new drugs and vaccines to protect the population.

However, you should not relax, it is still necessary to follow preventive measures and be ready for a new wave. In particular, due to the situation with the spread of COVID-19 in other countries. Thus, Russian Minister of Health Mikhail Murashko said that at present, doctors recommend continuing to wear masks in public places, and not to forget about revaccination against coronavirus infection.


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