Сведения об ОО

The Department of State Youth Policy and Educational Activities of the Ministry of Education and Science invites you to participate in the Country of Masters project.

The aim of the project is personal support of citizens for the implementation of entrepreneurial skills. Citizens under the age of 35 inclusive who do not have registration as a taxpayer of professional income tax or a small and medium-sized business entity in the current financial year can become project participants.

Also, specialists in personal support (tutors) are involved in the project. Tutors can be representatives of educational institutions of secondary vocational and higher education, representatives of industrial enterprises or high-tech businesses, individuals applying the special tax regime "Tax on professional income", representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, representatives of scientific organizations or other organizations that are carriers of professional practices and required competencies.

Requirements for tutors are specified in the  Regulations  on qualification selection. Applications are accepted until November 30, 2022 at the email address:  stranamasterov@worldskills.ru .

The contact person for interaction issues is Vinarskaya Lyudmila Grigoryevna, Head of the Department for the Implementation of Special Programs for Youth of the Department for the Professional Development of Youth of the Agency for the Development of Professional Excellence (WorldSkills Russia).

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