On February 17, held the assignment of the primary military ranks of "lieutenant" and the presentation of diplomas to graduates of the Military Training Center at the university.
Among those who completed their studies is Igor Vasilyev from Ufa, a graduate of the specialty "Design of aircraft and rocket engines" of the Faculty of Aircraft Engines, Energy and Transport.
“Before the 9th grade, I wanted to choose a humanitarian profession,” says a young officer, “but looking at the labor market, I realized that now technical specialists are needed. Then appeared the idea to become a military officer, and I even tried to enter the Krasnodar Flight Military School, but, unfortunately, I did not pass on my eyesight. However, I did not despair and firmly decided to connect my future with military aviation. And UGATU turned out to be the very only university in Bashkiria where I could fulfill my dream.”
It should be noted that his family treated the decision with great understanding, supported and helped throughout the difficult path of learning.
“Many of my friends and acquaintances studied at USATU,” Igor notes, “and I knew that I would face difficulties, but I was well motivated, so I always made every effort. Studying simultaneously in civilian and military specialties involves a tight schedule, and there was almost no free time left, I had to keep up everywhere and with everything.
The hardest part was in the main specialty. As you know, an aircraft engine is a complex technical product. Only four countries in the world out of 250 have managed to establish the production of modern aircraft engines. In addition, Russia occupies a leading position in this list. Designing this product and its components is an extremely responsible and serious matter, requiring a lot of theoretical and practical knowledge and skills. However, I always tried to keep up and be the first, so I became the leader in the rating of my group and, by distribution, ended up in the hero city of Sevastopol to serve as an engineer of the aviation complex for the Ka-226 helicopter. I consider this a worthy reward for my work and efforts during my studies.”
Igor recalls how delighted he was when he received his first scholarship. In addition, he immediately promised himself that he would close the session on time. After all, an increased scholarship (namely, this is what MTC cadets receive) is a great incentive to study “good” and “excellent”.
Despite being busy, the young man traveled a lot in Russia and abroad, not forgetting the picturesque places of his native land. He went hiking in Bashkiria, went in for sports - running, football, table tennis.
“During my studies, there were many bright, interesting moments, I never got bored,” says the student. - But the most memorable was the defending of my degree thesis, I have never experienced so much in my life. I did it on my own for more than six months and the schedule was extremely busy.
On the day of the defense, I spoke first. Even the pointer in my hands was trembling from stress when I described my drawing of the engine being designed. However, everything went at the highest level, and I felt so relief when the chairperson of the state examination committee read out my grade “excellent. I do not think I will ever forget this moment.
We had a very close-knit group; we went through difficulties together, which, as you know, bring together. Now military service has scattered us far away - from the Crimea to Transbaikalia, but I am sure that we will not forget each other and continue to be friends.
Of course, during his studies, a lot has changed in his views on life, but Igor never regretted that he chose the path of an engineer and a military man.
“I will try to fulfill my duties responsibly and proudly bear the rank of officer of the Russian army,” young lieutenant Igor Vasilyev.
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