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Ufa State Aviation Technical University took first place among Russian universities in the competitive selection of acceleration programs to support project teams and student initiatives for the formation of innovative products.

This year, the Government of Russia, represented by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, announced the federal program "Platform of Student Technological Entrepreneurship" with the aim of developing entrepreneurial competencies in the university environment of students and employees. As part of this program, several competitions were announced, one of which was for grant support for acceleration programs in universities. In the summer, the USATU working group, which included deans, representatives of the administration, departments, and technology transfer center, developed a program and submitted it to the competition.

The commission rated the case of our university at 97 points, and this is the highest rating among more than 80 universities in the country.

Timur Razyapov, head of the project initiatives department of the technology transfer center, says

“Our program is called “Motors of the Future” - it is with them that we associate our students, who move us into the future, accumulating new ideas. The acceleration program is designed to help commercialize and promote university technology projects from an entrepreneurial point of view.

The university has experience in promoting technological entrepreneurship projects, which will ensure the success of the acceleration program.

As part of the accelerator, educational, entrepreneurial and technological tracks will be implemented. It is planned to present projects to the expert community in the following formats: project workshop, hackathon, expert tube, demo day, etc. The highlight of the project is a post-acceleration program that will turn startup projects into active startups.

The accelerator participant will be able to make mistakes and understand problems with minimal losses. A kind of sandbox is being created to gain startup experience.

Startup projects involve teamwork, so we hope that students from all faculties will be involved in this activity.

It should be noted that the program provides for a grant in the amount of more than 7 million rubles, as well as co-financing from partners. And then, at the exit from the accelerator, applications from startups for grant competitions should appear. The task of the accelerator is precisely to help the guys competently “package” a startup with a great chance of winning.”

Projects will be accompanied by mentors, trackers, industry partners and experts from the business community.

The Eurasian REC, large industrial enterprises and technology companies have already confirmed their support for the accelerator, including UEC-UMPO, UPPO, Technodinamika, Nuawei, Aviation Technologies technopark, ESM, BashNIPIneft, the Center for Standardization and Metrology, etc. They are also ready to throw out their business hypotheses, according to which enterprises are not ready to order R&D, and students are quite capable of testing them.

The accelerator is open to participants and mentors, for business and production, and is waiting for active, enterprising, purposeful and positive people. The program is designed for the autumn semester, and from October 1, its active phase for participants will begin.

You can join and learn more here: https://t.me/aksugatu


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