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Today the university hosted two topical meetings: in a video format with the rector of the Donetsk National Technical University Alexander Anoprienko and the first vice-rector Artur Karakozov, as well as personal communication with the first-year students of DonNTU.

It should be noted that the project to provide educational services to representatives of the Donbass university in the 2022/2023 academic year in Russia is being implemented as part of an agreement on scientific and educational cooperation, concluded on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. St. Petersburg Mining University became one of the first partners of the project. Several members of the Consortium of universities of the mineral resource complex "Nedra" joined Gorny's initiative to provide support to their Donetsk colleagues, among them - UGATU.

Our university accepted 12 first-year students a week ago. The students have already adapted and "plunged" into the educational process and the creative environment of the aviation university.

Today, the leadership of the Donetsk National Technical University in the videoconferencing mode thanked the administration, and personally the rector Sergey Novikov, for the excellent organization of the educational process and the warm welcome.

- We are glad that our students can study under a peaceful sky, within the walls of one of the leading engineering universities in Russia, - Alexander Anoprienko, rector of DonNTU, emphasized. – As technical universities, we have many points of contact. We also know that USATU also specializes in IT areas, so we sent future “digital” specialists to train. We really want our Donetsk students to get to know the hospitable Bashkir region better.

Sergei Vladimirovich assured that the safety, educational process, life, health and leisure of the children are under special control. From the side of the university, a curator and a student volunteer are assigned to them.

The first vice-rector of DonNTU Artur Karakozov added that Donetsk colleagues are planning advanced training courses at the Ufa State Aviation Technical University and the implementation of the “double diploma” program for undergraduates of DonNTU.

- We are open for you and long-term cooperation with the university, - said the rector of USATU. We support you, cheer for you and look forward to your visit!

On behalf of the staff of the USATU, Sergey Vladimirovich invited the representatives of DonNTU to the anniversary events dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the USATU.

The meeting with the first-year students and their curator took place in a face-to-face format and was held in a friendly and warm atmosphere. Let's remind that 12 students of DonNTU of information systems and technologies, computer information technologies and automatics faculties have already started full-fledged training in USATU, which will last for a whole year.

The students vied with each other to share their impressions of the first days in the Bashkir capital and USATU, plans, requests, ideas. Curator of first-year students - associate professor of DonNTU Olga Yuryevna Cherednikova - a person with an active life position. She also shared her thoughts on the organization of the educational and educational process of the Don-101 group at USATU.

For their part, the rector and vice-rectors of our university assured that all organizational and everyday problems can be solved. And they offered to expand the excursion program: visits to the Aviator SEC, the Shulgan-Tash nature reserve, the Aeroport LIK, excursions to the republic's industrial enterprises and, of course, a visit to a hockey match with the participation of the Salavat Yulaev national team.

- I want your stay in Bashkiria to be remembered not only by your studies at the Ufa State Technical University, but also by our hospitality, - Sergey Vladimirovich summed up. - And for all questions you can contact me personally.


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