The June media rating included 218 universities subordinate to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. According to the results of the assessment, the Ufa State Aviation Technical University took 13th place in the overall rating of media activity (51st place in May).
The rating is aimed at tracking the work of educational institutions in the information field to attract interest in higher education, Russian science and its achievements. The Ministry of Education and Science of Russia monthly shows the dynamics of media activity of universities. The final rating (M-Rate) consists of three indicators: the effectiveness of the university's work with the media (Index Mass Media), social networks (Index Social) and the official website (Index Site). Each of the three indicators is calculated separately and affects the final formula for calculating the results.
It should be noted that USATU showed the best growth in working with social networks, rising to 3rd place (in May - 35th place). The indicator of the effectiveness of the university's work with social networks takes into account the presence of accounts and work in social networks. At the same time, the significance for the “social index” of networks is different. Not so long ago, the list of resources taken into account was changed; now Rutube video hosting is also included in it.
The leader of the June media rating was the Ural Federal University. the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin. The second place was taken by the Russian University of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov, the third - Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman. Among the universities of Bashkortostan participating in the ranking in June, USPTU is in 64th place, and BashSU is in 70th position.
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