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USATU is for the first time included in the list of the "greenest" universities in the world


UI GreenMetric World University Rankings 2021 published the list of the "greenest" universities on our planet.

USATU entered this rating for the first time, gaining 2450 points. The best indicators of the university are infrastructure and education; in these areas, the university earned the most points. This is a good start for sustainable development and environmental management at USATU.

The rating methodology includes 39 indicators and 6 criteria, such as environment and university infrastructure, efficient use of energy and impact on climate change, waste recycling, rational use of water resources, transport policy and education.

The University of Indonesia has compiled the ranking since 2010. Its main goal is to quantify the activities being implemented to keep campuses green. This confirms the increased interest of the university community in environmental responsibility and in green initiatives that are being implemented on campuses.

According to the ranking, the best this year was the University of Wageningen from the Netherlands, which scored 9300 points. Among Russian universities, the first was the leader of the Association of Green Universities of Russia - Peoples' Friendship University of Russia - 28th place (8425 points).


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