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The results of the 2022 competitions for the right to receive grants from the President of the Russian Federation for state support of young Russian scientists - candidates of sciences and doctors of sciences and leading scientific schools of the Russian Federation have been summed up.

Winner of the competition for state support of the leading scientific schools of the Russian Federation:

  • Korznikova Elena Alexandrovna

Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Acting head department MSMP IATM

Computer-aided design of functional materials


Winners of the competition for state support of young Russian scientists - candidates of science:

  • Gizatulin Azat Rinatovich

Ph.D., associate professor and junior researcher Department of Telecommunication Systems

Development of a new technology of broadband access based on hybridization of scalable modulation formats new generation wireless networks

  • Asfandiyarov Rashid Nailevich

Ph.D., engineer


High-strength biodegradable magnesium implants for pediatric traumatology

  • Esipov Roman Sergeevich

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of Coating Technologies and Special Properties of Surfaces, Department of TM

Development of technology for hardening the surface of structural steels by laser alloying with nitrogen

  • Nazarov Almaz Yunirovich

Ph.D., Head of the SKB "Power Machines" of the Department of TM

Development of scientific foundations for the design of multilayer nanostructured coatings based on titanium and aluminum compounds in a gas mixture of argon, nitrogen, oxygen and acetylene

“The obtained research results will allow to form new scientific foundations for the design of multilayer nanostructured coatings,” explains Almaz Nazarov, “to develop new gradient coatings with a smooth change in properties. And also to expand the area of application of the developed coatings to improve the performance of metal-cutting tools and introduce them in a variety of industries - mechanical engineering, aircraft engine building, etc.”.


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