Сведения об ОО

USATU on social networks


Did you know that our university is represented on eight popular social networks?

Choose your favorite social networks and subscribe to our official accounts:


All the most important and relevant news of the university, announcements of student events and interactions can be found in the VKontakte community:


We publish the most operative news and announcements that cannot be missed in the university's telegram channel:


Dilute your TikTok feed with entertaining content from USATU students:


For lovers of video format, we recommend our YouTube channel:


Especially for the older generation, we have created a page on Odnoklassniki. Call your grandparents, dads and moms to join the community:


Get closer to your home university! Subscribe to USATU accounts.


Станьте соавтором УУНиТ! Присылайте свои новости в наш чат-бот в Telegram. Не забудьте прикрепить фото- или видео- материалы.

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