USATU representatives visited the Innoprom International Industrial Exhibition held last week, which featured about 500 exhibitors from more than 30 countries.
The enterprises showed the Hi-Fly drone for delivering goods and people, the Gazelle City hydrogen bus, the e-CityMax electric bus, the Aurus Merlon electric motorcycle and other novelties.
Industrial transition: from challenges to new opportunities - this was the main idea of business communication at the exhibition. As Mikhail Mishustin emphasized: “There is only one goal - to move from a catching up development model to a leading one. Only in this way will we regain the domestic market and be able to intensively establish high-tech exports.”
Electric transport has become one of the most discussed areas for the transition to advanced development.Deputy Minister of Economic Development of Russia Maxim Kolesnikov at the plenary session "Transport of the Future - Challenges and Solutions" noted that by 2030 the production of electric vehicles is expected to increase: they will account for at least 10% (730.8 thousand units) of the total volume of vehicles in Russia. It is also planned to develop sufficient infrastructure for the maintenance and operation of electric transport. At the same time, all key components of the charging infrastructure, batteries, fuel cells and electric vehicles will be Russian-made. Recall that in 2021, the government approved the Concept for the development of the production of electric vehicles and presented the Federal project "Electric car and hydrogen car".
Already, our university is on the same wavelength with modern trends - this year, a new profile “Electric Propulsion Technologies” is being opened at the Department of Electromechanics, implemented jointly with Moscow State Technical University. Bauman. Programs with this profile are available for applicants to the directions "Special electromechanical systems" and "Electric power and electrical engineering".
In addition to the state of the industry, Innoprom raised questions about the development of the country's universities, research and educational centers and the creation of advanced engineering schools. The discussion was attended by rectors of all universities in the Ural region, as well as representatives of universities in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Participants from the Ural Interregional and Perm world-class scientific and educational centers presented reports on the results of their activities. When summing up, it was noted that scientific and educational centers are the technological drivers of the regions, while industry should be the key side of supporting the centers.
The most recently announced winners of the federal project "Advanced Engineering Schools" were not ignored. The exhibition brought together NSP leaders from different regions of the country. An important feature of each of the schools is its clear and understandable specialization. So, for example, the specifics of UrFU are internal combustion engines, SPbPU - digital technologies, MAI - gliders and their designs, and USATU is engaged in electrical technologies for the power supply of electric transport, which, as noted at the exhibition, is the development of our country. Together with the governors of the regions, a discussion was held on the network interaction of leading universities and their cooperation with the industry.
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