Сведения об ОО

Over the past year, many events have taken place at our university: new laboratories and student design bureaus have been opened. Interesting locations for creative work and meetings have appeared.

There are more brand zones and places for recreation.

Would you like to see? Then let's go together to plunge into the atmosphere of USATU


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Смотрите также

Get a profession of the future at USATU: "Automated systems in smart production"

Get a profession of the future at USATU: "Designer of unmanned vehicles"

Graduation under the wing of the airplane


What is known about the new strain of coronavirus?

Micro-grant competition from Rosmolodezh

Departments of the Faculty of Informatics and Robotics

10 main facts about the advanced engineering school of USATU

Get a profession of the future at USATU: "Automated systems in smart production"

Get a profession of the future at USATU: "Designer of unmanned vehicles"

Graduation under the wing of the airplane


What is known about the new strain of coronavirus?

Micro-grant competition from Rosmolodezh

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