Сведения об ОО

Spectators can once again plunge into the world of aviation and astronautics with the exciting Wings program of the Tamyr TV channel. In the fourth series, you will begin your journey at the USATU, where you will see how students study on an airplane simulator: an exact copy of the aircraft cockpit, absolute realism, and experienced instructors - teachers of the AD department. Also in the program, Associate Professor Sergei Kamenev will reveal to everyone the secrets of the TV3-117 aircraft turbo shaft engine family.


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USATU scientists received grants from the President of Russia

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USATU students became winners and prizewinners of the information security competition

Young scientists of USATU received grants from the Republic of Bashkortostan

Young scientists of USATU received scholarships from the President of the Russian Federation

USATU won the regional competition "Festive Ufa"

USATU scientists received grants from the President of Russia

USATU is the winner of the International Competition; Rector Sergei Novikov is recognized as "Rector of the Year -2021"

USATU post-graduate student's speech at Science Slam Eurasian

USATU was awarded for the success in the implementation of the programs of the national project "Demography"

USATU students became winners and prizewinners of the information security competition

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