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Concluded the results of the competitive selection for receiving grants from the Republic of Belarus for state support of young scientists.

Among the grantees, there are four representatives of the USATU - candidates of sciences Yulia Modina and Ruslan Vafin, graduate students Ruslan Urazbakhtin and Alexey Nikolaev.

In total, 20 young scientists and graduate students of the Eurasian REC, who conduct research and development in priority areas of science and technology development, including the program of activities of the world-class Eurasian Scientific and Educational Center, became the winners of the competitive selection.

The Ministry of Education and Science of Bashkortostan together with the Grants Council of the republic summed up the results of the competition.

The total amount of grants for state support of young scientists of the Eurasian REC this year will amount to 15 million rubles.


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