The results of the competition for the best scientific work of young scientists of universities and scientific institutions of the Republic of Bashkortostan in 2021 have been summed up.
Representatives of USATU took first places in the following categories.
"Information Technology. Computer Engineering":
- Anastasia Petrovna Kostyukova,
- Shiryaev Oleg Valerievich.
"Ecology. Geosciences. Resource saving ":
- Denis Tarakanov,
- Dmitry Tarakanov,
- Galitsyna Polina Mikhailovna,
- Mikhailov Stepan Alexandrovich,
- Gilyazov Ainur Ilnurovich.
"Natural Sciences":
- Elvira Valerikovna Nafikova,
- Dmitry Alexandrov,
- Gayanova Kamila Rustemovna,
- Chuvashaeva Kamilla Rustamovna.
"Technical science":
- Fathiev Denis Marsovich.
"Information Technology. Computer Engineering":
- Lopukhova Ekaterina Alexandrovna.
"Technical science":
- Nurgalieva Rushana Azatovna.
"Information Technology. Computer Engineering":
- Kruglik Andrey Sergeevich.
The competition, which has become traditional, is held with the aim of developing the human resources potential of science and higher education, increasing the efficiency of fundamental and applied research, and improving the innovation infrastructure in the field of science and education of the Republic of Bashkortostan.
Regional Office of the Russian Union of Young Scientists in the Republic of Bashkortostan with the organizational and financial support of the State Committee of the Republic of Bashkortostan for Youth Policy organized the competition.
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